Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Hemingway: @ 125

Tonight I joined a book club that was celebrating Ernest Hemingway on the occasion of his 125th birthday. We focused our discussion around The Sun Also Rises, his first novel. It was a the first in a series of four Hemingway's books this year. 

I really enjoy Hemingway's writing so am looking forward to this series. 

A few memories and resources about Hemingway... 

Best Bar Moments in Venice - my blog post from2009 when I visited Harry's Bar in Venice, where Hemingway had a table

I have this on my wall: it's a doodle I made while
in Harry's Bar (read my blog post about the
version I left behind with the bartender)

So cool to see the doors of Harry's Bar
in Venice, then opening them and stepping in...

Everybody Behaves Badly: The True Story Behind Hemingway’s Masterpiece 'The Sun Also Rises' by Lesley M. M. Blume - I just found this book and am listening to it now, and it's fantastic!

Ernest Hemingway with Lady Duff
Twysden, Hadley Hemingway, and three
unidentified people at a cafe in Pamplona,
Spain, July 1925, Wikipedia

The image above is the one that is on the cover of Everybody Behaves Badly... and it seems so fitting, once you realize The Sun Also Rises is based on this trip he made to Spain. 

The Undefeated
1968 standalone edition, Wikipedia

In my book club tonight one of the participants recommended Hemingway's short story, The Undefeated, as a companion to The Sun Also Rises, for a deeper look at matadors, Wikipedia

Ernest Hemingway's 8 Favorite Bars Around the World - Architectural Digest (great article, includes Harry's Bar)