Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Zoolook evocations

Zoolook album cover

There are so many people in my life that I always thought would be close friends forever, that I have lost contact with. I used to think that this meant that I was lousy at maintaining relationships, but at the moment I am seeing my life full of these moments of great connection, each so powerful in their own way, all touched me in some way. As I meditate as I am listening to Zoolook, they are coming to mind, each for awhile, before my attention turns to the next who my thoughts evoke. At this moment, I am reflecting on how these people make me understand the me I was at that time. I see them in my mind's eye as still essentially being the same people now, but older... but that's ridiculous; each could be something quite different today. Probably are. I am completely different, so why not them? It's interesting to consider that they probably think of me the same way too.

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