Tuesday, April 28, 2009

2 days .... and 60 days til liftoff!

Moo, moo! Two days to go! On my mind....
  • must I always have all out marathons down to the wire in my life? (another 12 hour day today, and my list still looks suspciously long
  • found someone today who has 9000 books, what better person to come take mine away?
  • tonight I bailed on a taxi, my gut: driver'd been drinking, got out at a McDonalds, then got a new cab, called it in, dispatch didn't give a damn
  • I guess a strawberry sundae for dinner isn't real nutrition, is it? at least I am keeping the cows in business
  • wow, I am down to the 60 day countdown to Europe, I can't believe I cooked up the whole trip thing in about 10 days a couple months ago, and here I am...
  • Nice lunch today with a colleague/friend - she took me out for a "Despedida lunch" which is a Spanish goodbye before a long trip... nice sitting outside at a Cactus Club despite being right by a highway, the fountains balance it out
  • I really need to see Vicky Christie Barcelona - sounds like a weekend thing
  • Oh, my whole life will be a weekend soon...
  • 2 people today suggested I become a tatoo artist.... my mouth gaped... wow... never occured to me... I could doodle on bodies!!


Mabel said...

New pics of "pimped" terrace now on my blog (http://roomsforrentinbarcelona.blogspot.com/)

See you!

Roberta said...

Hi Mabel, the "pimped" terrace looks awesome! I also like the new pillow on my bed ;-)

see you soon~