Saturday, October 23, 2021

I quit my job

I quit my job this week, but I did not give up. 

I am so excited to be starting a new job in November (yeah!) but giving notice at my current job had a few landmines for me. 

I gave my full notice, but working for the next 2 weeks seemed daunting. As much as my change was driven by a desire to return to L&D was the need to change jobs for my mental health. While it started well, and I learned a lot from becoming a call centre agent, I had never become used to relentless calls (even though that’s the job!) and my tank was empty. 

I hesitated to just “quit” as it’s not my style and it seemed disrespectful of an employer who had treated me well. Yet, while I wanted the good reference, I needed to protect my mental health more. 

Finding myself in a bit of a quandary, the next morning I chose to simply ask if there was a way I could leave right away with grace. Within minutes I had a response from my supervisor. Of course, no problem, they understood, and they would accept my resignation immediately. I was told I would be paid for the day and could log out. 

What a blessing. I am enjoying a much needed break before I start my new gig, and I got there without burning any bridges. 

Thursday, October 07, 2021

Tiny Helpers

A recently discovered FAB resource for e-learning developers: