OK, now to the bit about the jet plane... I am flying home to Canada tomorrow. Not a recent decision, but haven't said much about it until now. For the curious, here is how I decided to come home at this time... The below began as a journal entry this morning, then evolved into a story I could share.
Happy reading... and for those of you I know in Vancouver, will see you soon, I am sure....
I lie here in bed in Paris, the morning of my last full day here. In Paris. And in Europe. And I am a little surprised to feel sad. Sad, I suppose, because this has been such an awesome experience, but all things must come to an end. Well, sort of. This trip is coming to an end, but not my life ad a traveller.
I made the decision to come home two months ago, then slept on it for a month before altering my plans. But it felt right and it still feels right. Just wasn't expecting the sadness, it snuck up on me. But it's ok. I expect I will feel a range of emotions over the next few days and weeks. And months.
Speaking if months, I have been gone seven. Coincidentally, to the day. At least on this continent. I arrived on July 29 last year, and will list off tomorrow - homeward bound - on January 29.
So, why am I coming home so soon? Each time I have been asked that question, I burst out laughing. Seven months is a looooooonnng time!!! :-) heh.
I only attract this question from people at home who hear I am coming home, as when I left I said I was going for a year.
Why did I say a year? I don't know, but I learned quickly that "I'm taking off for Europe!" would evoke "For how long?". Even if by fluke, or by design, I managed to just talk about the trip and not give a firm response, I would invariably get "How long will you stay?". So I said a year.
I said a year, but truth be told, I really didn't know. My focus was on going. Going, going, going! I am going to Europe! Whoopieee! Heh. So it was an answer that left me a lot of time to figure out what I really wanted to do.
I said a year, but truth be told, I really didn't know. My focus was on going. Going, going, going! I am going to Europe! Whoopieee! Heh. So it was an answer that left me a lot of time to figure out what I really wanted to do.
So.... The idea to return when I am came from a period in Rhodes, Greece in November (my 1st trip to the island), when I was unwinding in the sun, not caring if I ever saw another museum (a clear symptom of museum burn-out, also referred to as one being "museum 'd out), and thought back over my trip....
I had had SUCH amazing experiences by that point (only about 1/3 made it onto this blog). I cherished each one.
As I rolled each mmemory over in my head, I had this satisfying sense of richness and satisfaction. My cup was full. My cup runneth over. I was full, and I needed time to digest.
I found myself trying to write a list of my top 10 experiences - not as easy as it sounds, when you have so many. And it struck me as the kind of thing one might do to mark closure. Ah, oh, so.... maybe it's time to head home?
I found myself trying to write a list of my top 10 experiences - not as easy as it sounds, when you have so many. And it struck me as the kind of thing one might do to mark closure. Ah, oh, so.... maybe it's time to head home?
As I said, I didn't rush my return, as that was two months ago. But I realized I was ready. There were other factors as well.
One was the Olympics. The only thing that had dissapointed me about the timing of my trip was it appeared that I would miss them :-(.... unlike those who can't wait to get out of town, I crave to be there, in the buzz of the excitement, enjoying all the free stuff. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity I didn't want to miss.
Plus.... I felt like I'd had enough idleness, enough aimlessness, I needed something for my mind to wrap itself around again. Plus.... I want to see my sweet mom, who let me go with such grace, but for whom I know in-person visits would be such a joy (I am giving her my presence as her birthday present next month :-).... Plus, there was one more reason.... let me think.... Oh yeah. I'm broke !!!! Or, better said, I'm B.R.O.K.E. Heh. So earning some money again would be useful. Now there's an understatement! :-)
So.... it's just time to return to the "real world".
I have no doubt that I will travel again. This will be a time to reflect on this trip, and to begin planning the next one.
So there you go. I began to write this as a journal entry (on my iTouch in bed), but then realized it could become the blog entry I wasted to make today. I wanted my "I'm heading home" post to tell the story, so I won't have to tell it over and over again..... If someone asks I can point them to the answer.
Now, time to get up, get some coffee, and plan my lady day in this fair city and this fair country. And continent.
btw, the sadness lasted as long as it took for me to write that. I'm cool, though still a bit surprised that the day has come....
Ok, numbers were never my strength, but I do know have been gone 7 months! I actually touched down in Europe on June 29. Will fix my post later... But my laptop is off and it's staying that way til I get home.... Geez, I love my iTouch!
I can hardly wait to have you over and hear many more of your adventures.
Is there a book in the making LOL
Cheers and welcome Home!
Happy birthday! Or should I say, Bonne Anniversaire! What a way to celebrate! :)
Good trip and great meeting you! I wish you a good stay in Canada and... hasta la proxima!
Big kiss from Barcelona,
Mabel, Mickey and Julius
Hello TA,
First of all, Happy Birthday! Too bad it didn't coincide with the week at PI, not that we needed yet another excuse to drink. I feel much the same way about our travels: after a while, you get a bit jaded, especially with museums. Perhaps the ideal length for travel is somewhat shorter than 7 months. I'm looking forward to getting home, but I also find it sad to think that our trip is more than half way over.
I'll keep checking your blog out. Good luck returning to the 'real world'!
Enjoyed reading your wrap-up of your odyssey. I can relate to your feelings when you were preparing to go home. The coat is the most beautiful of reds
Welcome home Roberta! I applaud your decision to do what's right for you at this time. And I applaud your red coat!! Gorgeous!! And you look a vision in it. ;-)
Can't wait to meet you for tea once you're settled in and hear even more about your adventure. I agree with Glenn - there must be a book gestating within.
Love a.
Viva la France!
Bonne Fete!
What a beautiful day you had
xox B'day Wishes
~ Midi
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