Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Review: Citizen Coke

Citizen Coke: The Making of Coca-Cola CapitalismCitizen Coke: The Making of Coca-Cola Capitalism by Bartow J. Elmore
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Glad I stuck it out... but this wasn't a riveting read (or listen).

This definitely wasn't what I expected. Many years ago I read about the debacle when Coke changed its formula, which I found quite fascinating, but the marketing implications of this were barely mentioned in this book.

This was more like a text book, documenting the original formula, all the sugar, cocaine (yes, its true), caffeine and water wars and challenges, distribution, licensing and packaging. I faded in and out, but there were occasional bright spots, such as the interesting effort to get a cold Coke in the hands of every soldier, every day, around the world.

I found the end depressing, but informative. Would we have all the world water shortages and heaps of plastic and aluminum waste, and even recycling, if this magic black potion was never invented?

I don't know the answer, but it made me look at the Diet Coke can next to me with new eyes.

Don't read this if you're looking for marketing or amusement, but I recommend it if you are studying or working in purchasing, manufacturing and distribution. Or need your eyes opened wider than a cold Coke will do on a hot day.

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