Saturday, June 08, 2024

Sonia Delaunay

A new-to-me artist today: Sonia Delaunay

Sonia Delaunay, 1914, Prismes électriques
oil on canvas, 250 x 250 cm
Musée National d'Art Moderne

An art collector in my art club named the works on the wall behind him today, and one was by Sonia Delaunay. I say new-to-me, as I don't remember her name, but when I googled her, I wondered if I had been exposed to her work before (at the Centre Pompidou in Paris).

Sonia Delaunay, Rythme, 1938
oil on canvas, 182 x 149 cm,
Musée National d'Art Moderne
Centre Pompidou, Paris

Sonia Delaunay
wearing Casa Sonia creations
Madrid, c.1918-20

Sonia Delaunay (1885-1979) was a Russian-born French artist who spent most of her working life in Paris. She was part of the School of Paris and co-founded the Orphism art movement, noted for its use of strong colours and geometric shapes, with her husband Robert Delaunay and others. 

Sonia Delaunay was the first living female artist to have a retrospective exhibition at the Louvre in 1964. Her modern design included the concepts of geometric abstraction, and the integration of furniture, fabrics, wall coverings, and clothing into her art practice.

In 1967 (25 February – 5 April) she was a part of an exhibition of artist-decorated cars entitled 'Cinq voitures personnalisées par cinq artistes contemporains' ('Five Cars Personalized by Five Contemporary Artists') organized by the journal Réalités as a fundraiser for French medical research. She designed the pattern for a Matra 530 by experimenting with optical effects causing the car to recompose the pattern into a light blue shade when in motion 'so as not to attract other drivers' attention to the point of causing accidents through distraction. See pic below. 

Sonia Delaunay Was a Multimedia Artist Before the Term Was Invented - 1000 Museums

One for the Ages: Sonia Delaunay’s Wearable Abstractions - NY Times

‘Sonia Delaunay: Living Art’ Review: Radiantly Modern - WSJ

Sonia Delaunay on Wikipedia

Sonia Delaunay or Robert Delaunay
(or both), 1921-22
published in Der Sturm
Volume 13, Number 3, 5 March 1922

Mondial de l automobile de Paris
(October 2006)

Sonia Delaunay, Blaise Cendrars, 1913,
La prose du Transsibérien et de la Petite Jehanne de France
(illustrated book)

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