Sunday, December 29, 2019

Last Sunday of 2019

I wake early, in this new pad of mine. I slept well, grateful for my long breakwater walk yesterday.
I spend an hour or two in light therapy, listening to an Audible book, and drawing and puzzling. I get up, have a shower, and sip some of yesterday's cold coffee, and remember that I forgot to add peanut butter on my food order (I make a note on my hand, my reminder for the Thrifty's call).
By now I am listening to North by Northwest - aka NXNW - on CBC radio, just how I like to spend most weekend mornings. Drawing and puzzling.
Then listen to the the Sunday Edition on CBC, this time a 3-hour long special, looking back at the decade that was. How interesting, this 2009-2019 time window, as it aligns with the time since I last had my own place. All that has happened in the world, superimposed on my life during that time, not at all what I thought it would be (Europe, a few months in Vancouver for the Olympics and work, moving to Sidney, living with and loving mom, then caregiving ~ some of the best and hardest times of my life ~ getting a studio for awhile, selling my art, some contract work, meeting Steve and doing the IHT gig for 7 years, starting the cruise work, then changing offices, so much drama and empty pockets, watching myself turn to junk food as soon as I had wheels, meeting Maui, becoming a kitty-mom, so fabulous, loving, and losing him, just after losing mom, so much sadness, wrapped in sweet memories, moving with my sister, short-term becoming long-term, only recently extracating myself, my new job, various gigs, writing two books as a ghostwriter, mystery shopping, 2 cruises, and of course dog-sitting Lucy and Palm Springs, and a NYC trip, and 2 Mexico trips, the start and peak and end of social media gigs, blogs, when did I stop taking pictures?, cataract surgery, missing Vancouver then getting used to it here, just a few trips over, beoming so broke I stopped going to concerts, a couple trips up island, car 3 at present, discovering Audible, getting and becoming addicted to my iPad, from a simple phone to smart phone to my Blackberry (I miss it!), back to smartphone, Aunt Dawn's visit, a couple weddings, nieces and nephews having babies, I practically stop reading physical books, but come full circle and have been actively unplugging, new friends, finding old friends, losing my mind after long long long stretches without 24 hours alone, unable to recharge my batteries, recognizing that I was falling into such a deep depression, exhausted by a year of 3-3.5 hour daily commutes, money issues, now starting a new life downtown Victoria, its a lot over 10 years....).
At some point, I am up making coffee in my Bodum, boiling water in a pot, and having breakfast with Kakuro. Puttering in my kitchen. Remembering now that I was unpacking boxes at 5:00 am.
Groceries come at noon, my new usual cheery guy.
Lunch is leftover pasta fom last night, made by moi, with pesto, and reheated in my new microwave (thanks M!), while I read (Richard Bach's The Bridge Across Forever, one of my fav books ever), more kitchen puttering, washing mom's old kitchen cannisters, thinking about how I will use them....
My day so far in a nutshell. Felt sleepy, was going to take a nap, but thought I might write for a bit.
Now, perhaps, I will walk....

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