Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Me on Megaphone

Not long after I returned from my trip, I stopped to buy a copy of Megaphone, Vancouver's Street Paper and ended up participating in a student's video project. I've been a fan of the organization, its predecesor, Spare Change, for years, having gone out my way to buy a copy whenever I spotted a vendor.

You can watch the video here, and learn more about Megaphone here.

And if you're looking for a way to help, just look into your heart and buy an issue. Frankly, you don't even have to read the issue to make a difference. But it's good reading too, and good for changing one's perspective on the world. You can also subscribe or donate on their website.

And congrats to Kay on her project;-)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your participation. I really appreciate your support to keep spreading voice from voiceless and empowering individuals!


Anonymous said...

Cool I'll have to look for that when I come to town !