Thursday, April 29, 2010

Reflections on One Year

Took this pic in Feb, and it's what my feet will be doing tomorrow

Tomorrow is April 30th. I'll mark the day by moving from Vancouver to Sidney (near Victoria) to live my mom (she's 88, living on her own, is a real sweetie, and I can't wait to just hang out).

Last year on April 30th, I was working my last day at my old job and here is what I wrote.

In between I had:
One heck of a year
One awesome trip to Europe
One cool birthday celebrated in Paris
One added to my big five-o age
One heart full of memories

Evidenced by:
One great mountain of doodles
One hundred and fifteen blog posts
One hard drive filled with pics
One big bushel of insights
One face devoid of stress lines

It's still one great live to live.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Congrats on a fantastic year, Roberta! It's been fun following along with your experiences over the last year - I look forward to your continued reflections. :-)
- Karen V